- Research into the field of Graphic Design, its evolution, and influences through history.

- Learn to use advanced software’s to create and complete a vast variety of projects.

- Build your skills and understanding in the field of design to find your strengths and weaknesses.

- Creative ideas and develop them into fully functioning assets.

- Discover my strengths and weaknesses as a designer/individual and improve upon them.

- Learned a variety of advanced software’s (Adobe, Blender, WordPress, etc).

- Learned the design process and implemented it into logo creation, marketing, animation and even team direction.

- Discover hero's to look up too (Stefan Sagmeister, Jessica Walsh, David Carson, Tibor Kalman, April Greiman, Wim Crouwel and Paula Scher).

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- Awarded Bachelor of Arts qualification by Fife College & Abertay University in Visual Communication (Graphic Design).

- I learned to build myself into a constantly changing and evolving person.

- Design process ultimately involves 3 steps, research, concept, and creation.  I went on to create my own process (REDEFINE) and applied it to client work, making companies hundreds of thousands in revenue and profits.